Gabby's Blog

Would you like to see Bryn Mawr College through my eyes? Welcome.

One of the Best Singers on Campus.

Allegra Fletcher and I are both senior Posse Scholars due to graduate from Bryn Mawr in 2012. Our friendship precedes the Posse application process that we both went through in 2008. We both were Crimson Summer Academy Scholars at Harvard University, accepted in the summer of 2004.

Our friendship and love for one another has grown over the years and she has been one of my rocks throughout my college experience. Her singing is beautiful and she performs at many of the open mic events. She has participated in A cappella groups on campus. She has even performed at various cafés in Philadelphia. While in Boston, I often run into her while busking in the train stations. What I love about when she performs is that I can close my eyes and find peace within the sounds that I hear. For that moment I am not stressed.

She has no idea that I am writing this about her. I am sure that will catch her by surprise.

Some friends become family and what I have noticed about Bryn Mawr alumni is that they can very well be 95 years old and still manage to group together to have tea and discuss important matters. What an unbreakable bond.

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