Gabby's Blog

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When It Rains It Pours…

Normally, at the end of the week we can all say TGIF, in other words, thank God it’s Friday. However, if I had known what was to follow on Saturday, I would never have wished for the week to pass by so quickly. Saturday morning I woke up and went through my usual routine. Afterwards I headed to the gym to see my friends play their senior game of volleyball. There are three seniors on the team this year: Katie Merrill, Emily Takeuchi-Miller, and Mikecia Witherspoon! Shortly after, I received a wonderful phone call from my mentor. I encourage everyone to find themselves a mentor if they don’t have one already. They’re important and it is always nice to have someone to run ideas by for feedback etc.

Following the game and call, I drove on my merry way to Haverford College for my fashion show practice. I was not speeding. I was on the phone with my mother via surround-sound speakers. What distracted me was a tiny flowerpot trinket that I had purchased for my car. As I was turning off of Montgomery Avenue onto Haverford Station Road, my flowerpot slid across the dashboard and was headed straight for my rolled-down window. My natural reaction was to reach for the flowerpot, leaving my steering wheel turned towards the right. However, before I could grab the wheel I slammed into the large wooden telephone pole. Ironically, at the moment the flowerpot was heading towards the window my only thought was of how I’d be littering if it fell out. Sheesh. Instead, my car, whose name is/was Timmy, had his face smashed in. Although many people passed by me simply pausing to take pictures, there were many who did really care. There were two young men from Rosemont College who came and made phone calls to the local authorities. Later, a man who lived in the house across the street came out and offered me some Gatorade. He was on his way out for a run, but consoled me and insisted I see his wife if I were in need of any help. The police officers that came to speak with me were extremely thoughtful and caring. They did not make me feel horrible at all. Matter of fact, we laughed together about the flowerpot. One of them stayed with me the entire time and offered me a ride back to school. It totally changed my perception of police officers. Now that I am 21, I acted as any adult would: responsible. I took down all of the necessary information and made the calls to my insurance company all on my own. My mom and I felt great about that… Also, remember to be grateful for your friends because so many of my friends showed me support today. Allegra, Linnea, Anceline and Whitney all accompanied me to the hospital and stayed with me the entire time. My other friends inquired about my health too. I received so much care! My appreciation grew for life and the people around me.

I learned today that life can change in a matter of seconds. Later as I was in my room surfing Facebook, I discovered that a high school friend of mine had committed suicide. Appreciate the details that life has to offer you. When I take a walk outside of my dorm, I don’t think of all of the many assignments that I have. I take a moment and look up to the sky and appreciate the blueness of it. My eyes focus on the scattered fall leaves turning bright orange and red. This weekend was very eventful, but in the long run it showed me how to pick out the good from the bad. Soak in the good and dispose of the bad. It makes way for a clear heart and mind. In a sense, I do find myself in a peaceful state of reflection and appreciation for life.